Cross-compilation and Simulation for ARM
The EECE4534 SDK provides an environment that allows cross-compilation of SW to the target (ARM). It also provides QEMU, a system simulator that simulates the complete Zynq ARM platform.
While this page describes the access to QEMU simulation, the instructions hold true also for execution on the target ZedBoard. Just use the IP address of the ZedBoard you are connecting to. See also connection.
1. Activating the SDK
In order to use the SDK, activate it by using the alias :
Your prompt should now indicate the active environment (xarm)
(xarm) bash-4.4$
You can now cross-compile SW for the ARM processor or start simulation with QEMU.
2. Cross-compilation
The cross compiler for the simulator is available as part of the SDK installed. Before cross-compiling, activate the SDK environment as instructed above.
Compile from the command line (of the machine, not the simulator), such as:
(xarm) bash-4.4$ $CC helloWorld_user.c -o helloWorld_user
The output binary is not executable on the host as it is an arm binary:
(xarm) bash-4.4$ ./helloWorld_user
bash: ./helloWorld_user: cannot execute binary file
(xarm) bash-4.4$ file helloWorld_user
helloWorld_user: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=a8dbfa3fd6e9c40e65fabb055a14b6972937e830, not stripped
3. Simulating System Using QEMU
We have installed an Instruction Set Simulator (ISS) based on QEMU that simulates the ZedBoard and runs the full Linux code. Within the simulator you have root access and can try out user code or your kernel modules. Note that the simulator is a completely separate instance from the host. No files are shared between host and simulator. Any changes inside the simulator are volatile, ie. will be lost at next reboot of the simulator.
To start the simulator, open up a new ssh terminal, activate the sdk and type:
Booting the simulator takes a few minutes (1.5min - ). This starts the simulator and opens a tty (terminal) to login to the Linux running in the simulator (root / no password).
The boot sequence ends with the following output:
ESL Linux 2022.2 qemu-esl ttyPS0
zedboard-esl login:
The TTY has full access to the simulated machine. This includes CTRL-C for stopping a shell command inside the simulator. However, that does not terminate the simulation.
To terminate the simulation, use CTRL-a x (press CTRL and a simultaneously, then press x alone without CTRL).
Please stop the simulator when not in use. Due to the simulation approach it consumes
2 full cores on the host machine. You can check it out by running top
on the host system.
4. Transfer Files to the Simulator
In addition to the console TTY, the simulator implements an SSH server.
The setup (Home, COE) made the
the simulated ARM instance reachable with the hostname qemu
. However, qemu
is only reachable on the same host as qemu was started.
Hence, initiate ssh from the same machine as you started qemu on.
Upload a file to the QEMU simulator (the first ssh takes >20seconds due to generating ssh keys after start):
scp helloWorld_user qemu:
Be aware of the delay on first connection. In addition, accept the ECDSA key fingerprint on first connection. The fingerprint will change with each start.
The file is uploaded to /home/root/ in the ISS and can now be executed there:
root@zedboard-esl:~# ./helloWorld_user
Hello world in user mode!
5. Debugging an Application running on the Simulator
Binaries within qemu (like the debugread binary uploaded in step 4) can be debuged remotely using gdbserver. You can start a remote debug session using the below instructions.
On the host change to your code directory and initiate debugging with gdbserver over port 10024. Note that the below make rule actually runs a remote gdbserver command over ssh to start a gdbserver process inside QEMU:
make debug
The command will block as the gdbserver (inside QEMU waits for a debug connection).
On the host open a new terminal and start the cross compilation environment
.Change into the same directory so that the binary to be debugged can be found. Start the debugger specific to our cross compilation
(if your system has gdb-multiarch you can use it as well).arm-esl-linux-gnueabi-gdb debugread
Once in the gdb console, connect to the gdb server running inside QEMU using the target command.
target remote localhost:10024
This isntructs the debugger not to run the local instance of debugread, but connect through TCP to the gdbserver and execute debug read on QEMU.
On COE systems the debug port is dynamic (as multiple users may debug at the same time). To check the curren port and use this instead of 10024:
cat ~/.qemu-dbg-port
6. Simulating IOs with QEMU
The QEMU simulator shipped with the SDK has the ability to simulate some IOs of the ZedBoard (LEDs, Switches, Audio Ouput, AXI Timer for edgeutil). This is thanks to the effort in a student project (Spring 21: Tanvi Daga, Kaylin Devchand, Caleb Fields, Kelly Ostrom) and Brunos’ help.
The ZPanel is not available COE but only in your local SDK installation.
6.1 LEDs and Switches
Once you have started qemu, start the ZPanel application on the same machine (after activating the environment).
Then connect in your browser (running on same machine) to which will show the simulated LEDs and switches:
- No GPIO Buttons simulated for now (only switches). To test your input in simulation (lab 1), temporarily use SW 1 - 4 to emulate buttons. Once on the physical board, use buttons again.
- Most development focus for simulating LED output went into PWM (which is more difficult). In result, LED output for very slow signals has some problems with corner cases and sometimes does not detect turned off an LED. Hence, don’t rely on the simulator to validate 100% functionality, only use it to validate that some input / output using the MMRs is working.
6.2 AudioTX
The output of the audio TX (lab 5,6) is stored in the file qemu.wav. After finishing the simulation, listen to that audio on your host machine. The simulated audio output mimics the timing of the ZedBoard it is designed to be able to immitate buffer over and underflows. However, as QEMU timing is highly variable, the exact behavior depends on your simulation host.
7. VS Code for Cross Development
7.1 Cross Compilation
The Makefile-tools work identically in a cross compilation environment. For this, the SDK environment needs to be activated. See point 3 in the installation instructions. The environment needs to be activated once before starting a build.
7.2 Remote Debugging
For more graphical debugging, you can use VSCode. Note that gdbservers’s API is accessible through Vscode. To enable remote using vscode debugging
- Install the Native Debug extension
- Add the below json config to your .vscode folder
{ "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [{ "type": "gdb", "request": "attach", "name": "Attach to gdbserver", "executable": "${workspaceFolder}/debugread", "target": "localhost:10024", "remote": true, "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}", "gdbpath": "/usr/bin/gdb-multiarch", "autorun": [ "make debug" ] } ] }
- Start gdbserver in QEMU
make debug
- Start debugging in vscode using the configuration “Attach to gdbserver”