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Zedboard Hardware Peripheral Mapping

In this document you will find the default hardware mapping on the Zedboard when using the provided pre-loaded SD Card.

The hardware peripherals are implemented in the FPGA, also called PL (programmable logic) side in the Xilinx reference document terminology. Each peripheral has a base address that can be found in this document. These pebashripherals are mapped to board resources e.g. LEDs, switches, headers which will be used to perform the experiments in the assignments.

Zedboard User I/O section

Hardware peripheral table

All peripherals are configurable, and memory mapped to a certain memory region. You will need to get more information on the respective hardware cores in order to employ them. Please refer to the reading list.

Base Address Peripheral Type Description
0x411F0000 AXI GPIO (1 channel) PMOD GPIO
0x41200000 AXI GPIO (2 channels) LED GPIOs + OLED Ctl
0x41210000 AXI GPIO (1 channel) DIP Switches
0x41220000 AXI GPIO (1 channel) Push Buttons
0x41230000 AXI Quad SPI OLED SPI
0x41240000 AXI Timer (2 modules) Timer 1 (PWM)
0x41250000 AXI Timer (2 modules) Timer 2 (PWM)
0x41260000 AXI Signal Mux Signal mux 1
0x41270000 AXI Signal Mux Signal mux 2
0x41280000 AXI Timer (2 modules) Timer 3 (Capture Timer)
0x412A0000 AXI UART Lite UART (serial port)
0x41630000 AXI FIFO Audio CODEC FIFO

Memory mapped hardware peripheral table

Hardware mapping on the board

On the board, several input and output resources are available. Now we will describe how the hardware peripherals in Table 1 actually map to this board resources. Figure 1 shows a section of the board which contains most of the resources that will be used in the labs.

Zedboard LEDs

The LEDs present in the board, as seen in Figure 1, (LD0-7), shall be controlled using the AXI GPIO peripheral mapped at the memory address described in Table 1. The LEDs map directly to Channel 1 of the peripheral:

Bit Zedboard LED
0 LD0
1 LD1
2 LD2
3 LD3
4 LD4
5 LD5
6 LD6
7 LD7

GPIO_DATA register of AXI GPIO peripheral to LED mapping

Zedboard DIP Switches

Just like the LEDs, the switches SW0-7 are directly mapped to the AXI GPIO peripheral as described in the hardware mapping table. They also use Channel 1 on the respective peripheral.

Push buttons

The push buttons are mapped to yet another AXI GPIO peripheral’s channel 1. Please consult the mapping table for the base address. The push buttons are mapped as follows:

Push Button Bit

Push button register mapping

PMOD Connectors

The PMOD connectors are headers that expose several I/O ports of the FPGA to the external world. We will be using a few of those to output different types of signals. Figure 1 shows only one of those (JA1), however we will be using more headers during the course.

PMOD schematics on Zedboard showing header JA1. Signals in other PMOD connectors are named similarly.
PMOD schematics on Zedboard showing header JC1.

The PMOD signals are mapped as follows:

PMOD Header Signals Hardware peripheral Description
JA1 JA{1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10} PMOD GPIO, Channel 1 Additional input / output signals
JB1 JB{1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10} PMOD GPIO, Channel 2 Additional input / output signals
JC1 JC1_P Timer 0 PWM output signal from Timer 0
JC1 JC1_N Timer 1 PWM output signal from Timer 1
JC1 JC2_P Timer 2 Capture input signal to Timer 2
JC1 JC2_N Timer 2 Generate output signal from Timer 2

PMOD Header signal mapping

OLED Display

The OLED display present in the board can be controlled by user applications. It requires the use of two different interfaces for full control; data is transmitted using the SPI (serial peripheral interface) OLED peripheral and also the initialization sequence requires I/O interaction which is controlled by the Channel 2 of the LED AXI GPIO peripheral.

Timers and PWM

There are three timers present in the hardware plaform:

Name Function Signal destinations
Timer 0 PWM output PMOD and/or LD0
Timer 1 PWM output PMOD and/or LD1
Timer 2 Input capture PMOD

Timers and signals

Please refer to the signal multiplexing section for details on how to output the PWM signals from Timers 0,1 to the LEDs.

Whereas Timers 0 and 1 can generate PWM signals, Timer 2 is configured for input capture events.

All timers are clocked using a 100 MHz clock.

Signal Multiplexing

The special AXI Signal Mux devices control the signal path that goes to two of the LEDs: LD0 and LD1. By manipulating the memory mapped registers, one can select either the PWM output signal from Timer 0 and Timer 1 respectively, or the regular signal from the LED GPIO controller.

Using the multiplexer

This peripheral does not have a datasheet; in fact its usage is so simple that it does’t need one, as there is only one register present.

The usage is extremely simple:

Reading and datasheets

AXI GPIO Datasheet

AXI Timer Datasheet

AXI Quad SPI Datasheet

ZedBoard Schematic